Since 1981, The Eagle Press (aka The Eagle Newspaper) has provided the area’s premier local weekly newspaper. Focusing primarily on the Southern Washington County and Northern Rensselaer County areas, our coverage reaches into Bennington, VT, Schuylerville, NY, and northern Washington County.


Our Mission

The Eagle Newspaper was first published in October 1981 by Richard and Joan Farrell. Their dedication to providing a news source to Cambridge, Greenwich, Salem and Hoosick has carried over to new Publisher, Ashleigh (Farrell) Morris. Morris is the youngest of Mr. and Mrs. Farrell’s eleven children. The newspaper is published weekly and includes popular sections including Poor Richard's Almanac, Around Town, local & county-wide news, sports and more!.

The Eagle has far more local news than any other newspaper
and I love the scripture quotations!
— Mike Skelly, Longtime Reader